Top Small-Group Tours for Solo Travellers

Jo Fernandez

Looking to connect with people who love to travel as much as you? Chances are you’ll meet like-minded friends for life on these small-group adventures.

Want to travel alone yet as part of a small group of similar people? That’s where our tour groups for solo travellers excel – offering adventures for those travelling alone. On these exclusive itineries, expect your new friends to bungee jump with you in South Africa, photobomb your selfie with giant tortoises in the Galápagos Islands and whip up traditional dishes with you in South Korea.

Spring Sale
A group of hikers walk the bush in Seoraksan National Park in Gangwondo Province, Korea

Pulsating Cities and Majestic Mountains: the Soul of South Korea

Few people have spent the night in a hillside Buddhist temple, but you’ll be one of them by the end of this 10-day delve into South Korea. You and your trip mates will also get a true taste of the country with a traditional cooking class in Busan and rice-based dishes such as bibimbap and makgeolli in Jeonju. In addition, you’ll see the scenery change as you whizz through the countryside by train, hike to Ulsanbawi Rock in Seoraksan National Park and cycle through the temples, rock carvings and pagodas in Gyeongju.

From US$2820

Next available from 1st Sep 2024

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Seoul, South Korea

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Seoul, South Korea







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Culture Trips launched in 2011 with a simple yet passionate mission: to inspire people to go beyond their boundaries and experience what makes a place, its people and its culture special and meaningful. We are proud that, for more than a decade, millions like you have trusted our award-winning recommendations by people who deeply understand what makes places and communities so special.

Our immersive trips, led by Local Insiders, are once-in-a-lifetime experiences and an invitation to travel the world with like-minded explorers. Our Travel Experts are on hand to help you make perfect memories. All our Trips are suitable for both solo travelers, couples and friends who want to explore the world together.

All our travel guides are curated by the Culture Trip team working in tandem with local experts. From unique experiences to essential tips on how to make the most of your future travels, we’ve got you covered.

Culture Trip Spring Sale

Save up to $1,656 on our unique small-group trips! Limited spots.

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