8 Reasons Why You Should Date a Jamaican

Couple on the beach
Couple on the beach | © Pixabay

Freelance Caribbean Writer

There is never a dull moment when you’re dating or in a relationship with a Jamaican. If Jamaica‘s unique and vibrant culture is any indication, Jamaicans are eccentric, colourful and always the life of the party. Having a Jamaican in your life opens a new world of adventure, laughter, romance and excitement. Here are eight reasons why you should date a Jamaican.

Jamaicans are very creative

In dating a Jamaican, you will realize that they know how to make the most out of very little. Jamaicans are some of the most creative people on the planet and it is evident in the island’s unique culture. Whether it’s with making meals, dates or other aspects of the relationship, a Jamaican’s creative side will be a huge part of dating because creativity largely influences their life.

They make great travel buddies

With all the beautiful places in Jamaica to see, Jamaicans are natural explorers which makes them great travel partners. Jamaicans love good food, adventure and new experiences so exploring a new town or country with them is perfect. Being a tourist in their own culture has made them aware and prepared, all the while being adventurous.

Jamaican palm trees

You will learn Jamaican Creole

Jamaican Creole is one of the most sought-after Creole languages in the world. The language is mimicked all over international media, on the news, films and TV shows and in music. No matter which language they learn to speak or whichever country they live, Jamaican Creole will always be the mother-tongue of Jamaicans. When dating a Jamaican, you will be sure to pick up on a few Jamaican Creole words and phrases.

Jamaicans can always make you smile

Jamaicans are some of the most hilarious people you will ever meet. The island is known for its culture and beautiful landscape, but more than that, the reputation of the people. Jamaicans are friendly and charming and always bring their colourful personalities into any situation. The energy of Jamaican people is infectious and will leave you laughing till your stomach hurts.

Delicious Jamaican food

The delicious Jamaican cuisine is loved by many around the world. Of course, growing up in a country that is known for such delicious dishes makes Jamaicans huge foodies. Whether its cooking or going out to restaurants, dating a Jamaican is sure to involve lots of food.

Caribbean kebabs

Jamaicans are great dancers

Reggae and Dancehall are a huge part of Jamaican culture. Jamaicans love music and are excellent dancers. The beats and bass lines of the dominant genres create a party atmosphere and growing up in Jamaica, dancing becomes a part of you. Your date will teach you some of the fun Jamaican dance moves that you can use when attending Dancehall or Reggae parties or concerts.

Jamaican dancing

Jamaicans always know how to have fun

One stereotype that is true about Jamaicans is that they are the life of the party. Jamaicans know how to have fun anywhere they are. They bring their colourful personalities, friendly spirit and charm into any situation. When dating a Jamaican, you’ll always be in for a fun-loving time.

You will be introduced to the vibrant culture

The small island of Jamaica has a vibrant and unique culture that has had a huge impact on the rest of the world. Reggae, Dancehall and the delicious cuisine are some of Jamaica’s most popular exports. When dating a Jamaican, you will also learn about the island’s rich history and a few of the cultural icons such as Bob Marley, Grace Jones and Usain Bolt are sure to be topics of conversation.

Rasta banana

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