The Best Private Trips to Book for Reunions

| Matheus Ferrero / Unsplash
Gethin Morgan

Content Editor

Whether it’s a family get-together or a school reunion, getting your favourite people in the world back together is an occasion worthy of a trip you’ll never forget. Book a private trip with us to make your big reunion a special one.

Spring Sale

Greek Island Odyssey

If you want a trip that doesn’t require a rigorous itinerary, Greece is your destination. Our eight-day island-hopping epic takes you from the historic streets of Athens to the stunning Cycladic islands of Milos, Naxos and Santorini. While we can arrange cooking classes, guided tours and boat trips, the laid-back nature of Greek island life means that you could also opt to bask in the beauty of golden beaches, crystal clear waters and charming old fishing villages. Our set itinerary includes a guided tour of the Acropolis, a cruise around Milos’ hidden coves and caves, as well as a culinary masterclass in rural Naxos, but on a private trip you can tweak the itinerary to suit your ideal group getaway. Just make sure you’re all together to watch the Santorini sunset on your final night – it’s a moment you’ll cherish forever.

From US$2092

Next available from 4th Aug 2024

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Athens, Greece

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Athens, Greece







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Culture Trip Spring Sale

Save up to $1,656 on our unique small-group trips! Limited spots.

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